토익스피킹 템플릿 pdf - toigseupiking tempeullis pdf

전화를 건 사람 이름, 어떤상황인지 체크
기본 템플릿 + 2가지 아이디어, 이유 포함
각 상황에 맞는 나만의 이유를 만들자
(매출증대, 홍보방안, 직원 교육, 주차문제)

Hi, 000. This is yujin returning you call
I got your message t
hat you are looking for ways to ~
Don't worry.
I have a couple of suggestions for you.

First, Why don't you ~
When I tried this method before,
It was very successful
Second, How about ~
In this way, It is a good idea to ~
Accrding to a lot of researchs,
People tend to ~

I hope
you are satisfied with my suggestions
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 123-4567
Thank you

② 2가지 중 선택
Hi, 000. This is yujin returning you call
I got your message that you are considering two options and you want my opinion
If I were you, I would choose A
I hope
you are satisfied with my suggestions
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 123-4567
Thank you

③ 회의
Hi, 000. This is yujin calling your inquires
As you request,
I thougt ways to solve the problem
Don't worry.
I have a couple of suggestions for you.
I hope everythings goes well
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 123-4567
Thank you

개인적으로 가장 어려웠다고 느꼈다
15초의 짧은 준비 시간과
근거와 예시를 구체적으로 들어야함으로
순발력과 논리력이 중요한 파트

파트 6를 정복하는 자는
높은 레벨을 얻을 수 있을거라 생각함

TOEIC Speaking 유형

    준비 답변
Part1 (Q1-2)  지문읽기 각 45초 45초
Part2 (Q3) 사진 묘사하기 45초 45초
Part3 (Q4-6) 질문에 답하기 각 3초 Q4-5 : 15초 / Q6 : 30초
Part4 (Q7-9) 표보고 질문에 답하기(듣기) 각 3초 Q7-8 : 15초 / Q9 : 30초
Part5 (Q10) 문제점 듣고 해결책 제시하기(듣기) 45초 60초
Part6 (Q11) 의견 제시하기 30초 60초

Part2 사진 묘사하기( 10문장 정도 말해야됨. )

소개 1

 This picture was taken (in, at) a ___, I can see some people indoors(outdoors)

인물묘사 5 (동작 위주로)

 well, I see a __, __ is wearing __, has __hair

 They look great together.

 I can see ~~, there are so many ~~

장소묘사 3

 in the foreground / background / right / left ~~

 It seems like a sunny / rainy / cold day.

느낌 마무리 1

 Everything in this picture seems peaceful.

+ 배경 중심으로 인물 묘사 부족할 때

oh~ the scenery looks so exotic! I want to visit here someday.

Part3 질문에 답하기

4. 빈도, 시간

 How often / many time ~~

 -> once/twice a day/week/month/year/everyday

 How long / many hours

 -> for two hours / minutes

 How ~~

 -> by, on, at, for ~~

 two days ago

5. 취향, 장/단점,

종류, 의견

6. 질문 다시 말하기

 질문 다시 말하기

 (근거 1) The first point I want to say is that ~~

 (근거 2) second, ~~

 ( 결론 ) so/ therefore, ~~ , I think ~~ is best.

+ 좋은 이유

(가격) The price is very attractive and reasonable. so I can save money.

(위치) The 00 is conveniently located, It is close to the subway station.

(서비스)they offer 00 for free, they care about people.

Part4 표보고 질문에 답하기

will be held : 열리다.

there will be 00 : 00이 있다.

the first is, the second is, the last one is ~

00 has been canceled : ~이 취소되다.

on 날짜 at 장소 by 누구

/ at 시간 / In 년도

It begin at 00 and finish at 00.

The fee is 00.

00 is located at 00.

00 graduated from 00.

you should go to ~ : 너는 ~로 가야한다.

~ will start : ~가 시작한다.

~ will talk about, present, speak about

we are open from : 영업한다.

we close : 영업을 종료한다.

will be provided = will be served : 제공되다.


- yes, ~~

- No actually not, ~~

Part5 문제점 듣고 해결책 제안하기


 Hello, this is jungeun calling, How are you?


 I heard about your problem, and I understand that

 - you are having a hard time, dealing with 00.

 - you are looking for a way to 00.


 I don’t think it is hard issue.

해결책 제시

 So, I suggest that,

 firstly, if I were you, I would 해결책1.

 it will be simple and effective.

 the second suggestion is that 해결책2.


 If you need something more, don’t hesitate to call me.

+ 홍보

post up ads on facebook / notice on websites.

contact universities and colleges.

set up a booth at the street, meet customers face to face.

This is the best way to get their feedback.

give out samples on the street.

+ 돈부족

get a sponsorship from local company.

sell snacks and drinks

get a participation fee

+ 혼잡

Impose fine

get reservation, and limit the number of people.

divide timezone by morning and afternoon.

send out employee and guide people.

Part6 의견 제시하기


 주장(본문 보고)


 There are some reasons why I think so.


 The first point I want to say is that ~~

 Second ~~


 for example, I have a friend, and he has an experience with 00.

 He told me that 00.


 That’s it.