Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

SSH 접속 프로그램 Putty 로그 자동 저장 설정 방법

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang
oxcow1192021. 10. 28. 21:10

SSH 접속 프로그램인 Putty의

로그 자동 저장 설정 방법에 대해 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다

먼저 Putty 프로그램을 실행해 줍니다.

Putty 설치가 안되어 있다면 아래 링크를 참고해 주세요

Session > Logging 메뉴로 이동 합니다

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

putty logging 설정

1. Session logging : 로그 저장 범위 지정

- Printable output 또는 All Session ouput 선택

2. Log file name : 로그 저장 위치 선택

- C:\99.Logs\&Y&M&D&T_&H.log

3. 동일한 파일 존재 시 행동

- Always append to the end of it 선택

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

putty 로그 저장 위치

서버 접속 후 자동으로 로그 파일이 생성 되었는지 확인


2021년10월28일 11시23분46초에 서버에 접속 한 로그 파일이 생성 되었네요

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

서버 접속 후 top 명령을 수행한 결과가 자동으로 저장 되었습니다.

자동으로 로그가 저장 되도록 설정하여 편하게 사용하세요 ^^

Putty에서 로그남기기

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

2018. 6. 15. 18:15

안녕하세요. IDC 1위의 격이다른 클라우드, KSCloud 입니다.
지난번에 이어 오늘은 SSH 및 터미널 작업시 자주 사용하는 프로그램인 Putty의 로그를 남기는 방법을 알려드리고자 합니다.

1) [세션] - [로깅]으로 접근합니다.
2) 로그파일 위치 저장시 끝에 빨간색 표시처럼 입력합니다.
 - C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Putty_log\&H-&Y&M&T.log

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

설정한 다음부턴 설정한 폴더 내에 로그파일이 생성되게 됩니다.

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang


The following article is a step-by-step guide for using PuTTY.exe to gather the output of the "show tech-support" command sometimes requested by the Networking support team. Information on PuTTY.exe is widely available. All decisions regarding the download and installation of software must be consistent with the policies and procedures of your organization. PuTTY.exe is a popular tool, but this guide should not be interpreted as an explicit or implicit endorsement of that software.


  • The hardware required to connect to the switch is in place and working.
    • For an IP-based connection, a network cable from the computer to the switch is required. You must know the IP address that is assigned to the switch to use this option. If you are unsure or otherwise unable to access the IP address of the switch, you must use a serial connection.
    • For a serial connection, this is a serial cable, null modem cable, or rollover cable as determined by your specific hardware. If the computer being used does not have a serial port, a USB to Serial adapter is required. 
  • The user can log in to the Privileged mode (console#) within the switch.
  • The user has downloaded PuTTY.exe.

Note: At the time of this writing, this is the correct download link. PuTTY is freeware and should not require payment or account sign-up. PuTTY is a stand-alone executable that does not require installation.

  1. Open PuTTY by double-clicking the PuTTY.exe application file
  2. Click Session > Logging.

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

  1. Select Printable Output.
  2. Change the name of the output file as necessary and browse to the preferred storage location.
  3. Click Session to enter the connection location.
  1. Enter the session-specific information.

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang

  1. Enter IP address.
  2. Select Telnet or SSH (Telnet is the default on Dell switches, but not the default setting on PuTTY).


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  1. Select Serial and verify serial settings.
  2. Select "Serial" in the left pane on the bottom. The default settings for most switches are:
  • Baud: 9600 or sometime 115200
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: None
  • Flow control: None

Note: The host operating system determines the COM interface. COM1 is used as an example and but this interface may already be reserved by the operating system. Within the Windows environment, verify the COM port within the Device Manager.

Many User’s Guides indicate that Flow control should be XON/XOFF. Explicitly listing it as None was shown to remove negotiation compatibility issues with host operating systems.


  1. Click Open.
  2. A command prompt window opens and gives the user Command Line Interface (CLI) access to the switch. If the prompt is console>, then enter console>enable. By default, there is not an "enable password" required. However, in some switches this must be set using the web interface or the password recovery process must be followed.
  3. Most switches (depending on firmware) allow the use of console# terminal length 0 to allow the uninterrupted output of the following: console#show tech-support. If this is command is not supported, it requires the user to advance to the next screen for every 20 lines of output. There may be several hundred lines of output that is gathered. To be assured of noncorrupted logs, use the spacebar to advance to the next section of output.
  4. When the prompt returns to console#, the log file should be complete, and ready to be sent in as requested or archived as needed. 

Putty 파일 저장 - Putty pail jeojang


Note: Remember to return to step #2 and select None. Failure to do so could result in overwriting an existing file the next time PuTTY.exe is opened.

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