디아블로3 허드 시즌25 - diabeullo3 heodeu sijeun25

넹~ 되기는 됩니다. 아주 완벽히 안정적인 상태는 아니나 이에 대한 문제를 제작진에서 알고 있고
게임 간 다시 시작을 해야하는 문제가 있을 수 있다고 합니다.
허드는 메모리 읽기 방식이라 이번 패치 이후 읽는데 시간이 좀 소요 됩니다.
차후 이 부분도 수정될 예정이라고 합니다.


Due do the changes in the game's memory layout, there are many changes in TurboHUD, which is currently in an "alpha" state. Please do not spam the support thread with error reports. I know it is not fully stable, and there is a good chance you will have to restart HUD between games.

When you start HUD, and between all games you will experience that HUD's UI is not updated for a few seconds. It is trying to "understand" the changes in the game's memory between games. Later there will be a proper status indicator for this. 

TurboHUD would be dead without Enigma's dedication and all his work he put into Diablo 3 in the last month.
Please show him how happy you are now! I know you are happy all.