Hamper 동사 - Hamper dongsa

영어사전 단어·숙어1-5 / 25건

hamper 미국∙영국 [ˈhæmpə(r)] play 영국식 play 중요 1. [동사] 방해하다 (=)
2. [명사] (특히 음식을 운반하는 데 쓰는 뚜껑이 달린) 바구니
3. [명사][특히 英] (선물용) 식품 바구니
a Christmas hamper 크리스마스 선물용 식품 바구니
a picnic hamper 소풍 바구니
hamper[impede, check] development 발달을 저해하다
check[hinder, hamper] (the) growth 생장을 방해하다

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영영사전 단어·숙어1-2 / 4건

hamper2 US [ˈhæmpɚ] 1. [NOUN] a large basket usually with a cover: such as
2. [NOUN] a basket for food
3. [NOUN][US] a basket for holding dirty clothes until they can be washed see picture at BATHROOM
hamper1 US [ˈhæmpɚ] play [VERB] to slow the movement, progress, or action of (someone or something)

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중국어사전 단어1-1 / 1건

hamper hamperv.妨碍,牵制

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일본어사전 단어1-5 / 2건

hamper 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다. (れるふたきの)さげかご / たくかご
hamper 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다. …‘'じゃまする,げる

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프랑스어사전 본문1-2 / 2건

bourriche 출처: 윅셔너리

[Noun] hamper

gêner [géner] 출처: 윅셔너리

1. [Verb] to hinder, hamper, bother 2. [Verb] to embarrass 3. [Verb] to embarrass

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스페인어사전 본문1-3 / 3건

cuévano [Noun] hamper
enlentecer [Verb] (transitive) to slow down, to hamper
cortocircuitar [Verb] transitive|figurative to hamper; to impede; to block
2. [Verb] (transitive) to short circuit (cause a short circuit in)
3. [Verb] reflexive to experience a short circuit

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국어사전 본문1-1 / 1건

  • 저해허다 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

    저해허다 저해하다(沮害--).(동사) 막아서 못하도록 해치다.hamper. hinder. impede.

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독일어사전 본문1-0 / 0건

Deckelkorb 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

[남성형 명사] hamper

Geschenkkorb 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

[남성형 명사] gift basket, gift hamper [Br.]

Picknickkorb 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

[남성형 명사] picnic basket, picnic hamper [Br.]

Wäschekorb 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

[남성형 명사] laundry basket, linen basket, laundry hamper [Am.], clothes hamper [Am.]

jdn. an etw. hindern 오픈사전 이용자들이 직접 등록한 단어입니다.

to hamper, to hinder, to impede sb. from sth./doing sth.

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베트남어사전 본문1-1 / 1건

    • [Verb] to hamper; to block; to crush

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러시아어사전 본문1-5 / 13건

    • [명사] provisions hamper

    • [동사] hinder, hamper, embarrass

    • [동사] hamper, impede, make difficulties, embarrass

    • [동사] hamper, impede, hinder, make difficulties, embarrass

    • [동사] detain, delay, keep, arrest, be behindhand, retard, hamper

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라틴어사전 본문1-5 / 7건

    • [Noun] basket, hamper

    • [Noun] A hamper, basket.

    • [Noun] wicker basket or hamper

    • [Noun] A wicker basket, a hamper

    • [Noun] A wicker basket, a hamper

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포르투갈어사전 본문1-2 / 2건

    • [Noun] hamper (large basket)

    • [Verb] (transitive) to hinder; to hamper (to delay or impede movement or progress)

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터키어사전 본문1-2 / 2건

  • aksatmak
    • 1. hamper

    • 2. cast a damp over

    • 3. disrupt

  • çamaşır sepeti
    • 1. clothes hamper

    • 2. buck basket

    • 3. buck-basket

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이탈리아어사전 본문1-5 / 10건

    • 1. [Noun] hamper (of food)

    • 2. [Noun] dumb waiter

    • [Noun] food hamper

    • 1. [Verb] (transitive) to obstruct, hamper

    • 2. [Verb] (transitive) to block, clog, jam

    • [Verb] (transitive) To hamper or hinder

    • [Verb] (transitive) To hinder or hamper

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아랍어사전 본문1-2 / 2건

    • 1. [Verb] to obstruct, to hamper

    • 2. [Verb] to come to a stop, to come to a standstill

    • 3. [Verb] to stop

    • 1. [Verb] to obstruct, to hamper

    • 2. [Verb] to make stand, to set up

    • 3. [Verb] to bring to a stop, to bring to a standstill

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태국어사전 본문1-3 / 3건

    • [Verb] to delay; to hinder; to hamper; to retard.

    • 1. [Verb] (by extension) to delay; to hinder; to hamper; to retard.

    • 2. [Verb] to weight down.

    • 1. [Verb] to hinder; to hamper; to prevent; to place obstacles, barriers.

    • 2. [Adverb] together.

    • 3. [Adverb] each other.

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폴란드어사전 본문1-2 / 2건

    • [Verb] (transitive) to fetter, encumber, hinder, hamper, cramp, trammel, constrict

    • 1. [Noun] hamper

    • 2. [Noun] small basket, shopping basket

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