V 아 어 보다 grammar - v a eo boda grammar

Learning grammar is one of the most difficult things for Korean language learners. On this blog we will try to help you learn Korean grammar in the quickest and easiest way possible. This blog will be helpful for those who are studying Korean language and want to improve their grammar skills.

Today we’ll see how to form sentences with grammar pattern “V + 아/어 보다" with some example sentences.

It expresses trying out or experiencing an action. It is equivalent to ‘try’ in English.

When using it in a present tense it expresses trying something but when using it in past tense it expresses having the experience of doing something.

  1. V + 아 보다 is used when the verb stem ends with ㅗ or ㅏ
  2. V + 어 보다 is used when the verb stem ends with vowels other than ㅗ or ㅏ
  3. When verb ends with 하, the form changes to 해보다.

How to conjugate 'V + 아/어 보다' grammar pattern?






V + 아 보다

Used when verb stem ends with ㅗ or ㅏ

가 보다 etc.


V + 어 보다

Used when the verb stem ends with vowel/consonant other than ㅗ or ㅏ

먹어 보다 etc.

1) Regarding the ‘아 보다’ conjugation information, remove ‘다’ from basic form of the verb, if the verb stem ends with ㅗ or ㅏ, attach ‘아 보다 ’ after the verb stem. 

Example sentences :

  1. 제가 한번 읽어볼까요? - May I try to read it? 
  2. 제가 한번 해 볼게요. - I will try to do it.
  3. 저는 부산에 가 봤어요. - I have been to Busan.

2) Regarding the ‘어 보다’ conjugation information, remove ‘다’ from basic form of the verb, if the verb stem ends with vowel other than ㅗ or ㅏ, attach ‘어 보다 ’ after the verb stem.

Example sentences :

  1. 저는 이 노래를 들어 봤어요. - I have listened to this song.
  2. 한번만 이 책 읽어봐. - Read this book once.
  3. 맛있다 ! 이거 먹어 봐요. - Delicious ! Try this once. 


The verb which end with 하다 change it to 해보다.  For eg : 공부하다 becomes 공부 해보다


  1. 한국 드라마 보는 거 좋아하니까 한번 한국어 공부 해 볼래요. ( I like watching Korean dramas, so I will try studying Korean once. )
  2. 날씨가 많이 더워졌었서 이 주말에 제주로 가 볼래요? ( The weather has gotten so hot, why don't you go to Jeju this weekend ? )
  1. 일이 너무 많아서 고향에 못 하니까 전화 한번 해 볼 수 있을까요? ( I have so much work that I can't visit my hometown, so can you give them a call once ? )
  1. 이런 음식 한국에서 못 먹어죠 ? 한번 먹어 볼래요 ? ( You can't eat this kind of food in Korea, right ? Would you like to try it ? )

Check out the list of 200 Korean verbs given below and practice making your own sentences with V + 아/어 보다 ending.

Learning Korean can be tricky, especially when the goal of your learning is conversation. If you’ve ever attempted to speak Korean but were unable to, then hopefully you’ll find this post helpful.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or suggestions. Comment down below. 

아/어/해 보다 grammar is mainly used to tell about past experience(경험) and to try out something(시도).  We already learned the expression ‘Verb-아/어/해 보세요‘ which is a combination of ‘아/어/해 보다’ and ‘(으)세요’. 아/어/해 보세요 is used to suggest or recommend people to try something. For example-

아/어/해 보다 means ‘to try an action’ or ‘to talk about an experience’. 아/어/해 보다 attaches after a verb stem. It is used to try action or to talk about previous experience.

‘여수에 한번 가 보세요.’ Please try to go to Yeosu. Here, ‘가 보세요’ is a combination of the verb ‘가다 (to go), ‘아 보다’ and ‘세요. (Yeosu Island is beautiful. So I recommend it as a travel destination.)

In this lesson, we’re going to look at ‘아/어/해 보다‘.

혹시 여수에 가 봤어요?” Have you ever been to Yeosu?

아니요.아직 안 가 봤어요.” No, I haven’t been there.

그러면 여수에 한번 가 보세요.” Then, try to visit Yeosu. “정말 예뻐요.” It’s really beautiful.

When you mean ‘시도 (try)’, ‘한번 (try) ‘is often used along with that. For example,

‘제가 한번 읽어볼까요?’ May I try to read it? 

‘제가 한번 해 볼게요.’ I will try to do it.

And a present sentence-final ending such as ‘세요’ is commonly used. Let’s look at the next examples.

‘저는 여수에 가 봤어요.’ I have been to Yeosu. ‘가 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘가다 (to go)’, ‘아 보다’ and ‘았어요. ‘In the past, I don’t know when, but I went to Yeosu. I talk about the experience that I went to Yeosu.

‘가 봤어요’ express ‘경험 (the experience).’ And normally a past sentence-final ending such ‘았어요’ is used.

어 보다 grammar

Let’s look at the next examples.
‘이 노래를 한번 들어보세요.’ Please try to listen to this song.
Here, ‘들어 보세요’ is a combination of the verb ‘듣다 (to listen) and ‘어 보다’ and ‘세요. ‘The verb ‘듣다’ is ‘ㄷ irregular conjugation verb’. When ‘ㄷ’ meets a vowel, ‘ㄷ’ changes ‘ㄹ’.So it becomes ‘들어’.
‘이 노래를 한번 들어보세요.’ Please try to listen to this song.’들어 보세요’ talks about ‘시도 (try)’. ‘한번’ is used together. The present sentence-final ending ‘세요’ is used.

Let’s look at the next sentence.
‘저는 이 노래를 들어 봤어요.’ I have listened to this song.
Here, ‘들어 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘듣다 (to listen)’, ‘어 보다’ and ‘았어요.’ I listened to the song in the past. I talk about the song I have listened to. In this time, ‘어 보다’ is used.’들어 봤어요’ talks about ‘경험 (the experience). The past sentence-final ending ‘았어요’ is used.

Let’s look at the next examples.

‘이 노래를 한번 들어보세요.’ Please try to listen to this song.

Here, ‘들어 보세요’ is a combination of the verb ‘듣다 (to listen) and ‘어 보다’ and ‘세요. ‘The verb ‘듣다’ is ‘ㄷ irregular conjugation verb’. When ‘ㄷ’ meets a vowel, ‘ㄷ’ changes ‘ㄹ’.So it becomes ‘들어’.

‘이 노래를 한번 들어보세요.’ Please try to listen to this song.’들어 보세요’ talks about ‘시도 (try)’. ‘한번’ is used together. The present sentence-final ending ‘세요’ is used.

Let’s look at the next sentence.

‘저는 이 노래를 들어 봤어요.’ I have listened to this song.

Here, ‘들어 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘듣다 (to listen)’, ‘어 보다’ and ‘았어요.’ I listened to the song in the past. I talk about the song I have listened to. In this time, ‘어 보다’ is used.’들어 봤어요’ talks about ‘경험 (the experience). The past sentence-final ending ‘았어요’ is used.

아/어/해 보다 grammar conjugation

When the vowel before ‘다’ is ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ’, ‘- 아 보다’ is used.

For example, when you look at the verb 가다 (to go).Remove ‘다’ from the basic form. The vowel before ‘다’ is ‘ㅏ’.Then ‘아 보다’ is used after that. So it becomes ‘가 보다’.

When the vowel before ‘다’ is other vowels other than ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ’, then ‘어 보다’ is used.

For example, when you look at the verb ‘입다 (to wear)’.Remove ‘다’ from ‘만들다.’ Then there is a vowel ‘ㅣ’ in the stem.Then ‘어 보다’ is used after that. So it becomes ‘입어 보다’

Those verbs which end in ‘하다’ can be changed from ‘하다’ to ‘해 보다’.

When you look at the conjugation of ‘하다,’ remove ‘다’ from ‘하다’. Attach ‘여 보다.’ It becomes ‘하여 보다’. Here ‘하’ and ‘여’ are combined to become ‘해’. So it becomes ‘해 보다’.

You don’t need to remember this process. Simply you can think that ‘하다 changes to ‘해 보다.’ For example, when you look at the verb 공부하다 (to study). You can change ‘하다’ to’해 보다’. So it becomes ‘공부해 보다’.

아/어/해 보다 Practice

‘다시 한번 읽어 볼게요.’ I will try to read them again. ‘읽어 볼게요’ is a combination of the verb ‘읽다 (to read)’, ‘어 보다’ and ‘ㄹ게요.’

‘한국어를 공부해 볼까요?’ Shall we study Korean? 공부해 볼까요’ is a combination of the verb ‘공부하다 (to study) and ‘해 보다’ and ‘ㄹ까요.’

저는 스키를 타 봤어요. (I have ridden a ski.), 타 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘타다 (to ride) and ‘아 보다’ and ‘았어요.’

김치를 먹어 봤어요. Have you eaten Kimchi. ‘먹어 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘먹다 (to eat) and ‘어 보다’ and ‘았어요.’

아/어/해 보다

아/어/해 보다 summary

From the basic form of a verb, when the vowel in front of ‘다’ is ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ,’ ‘아 보다’ is used. So ‘가다’ becomes ‘가 보다’. 

when the other vowels other than ‘ㅏ’ or ‘ㅗ’, ‘어 보다’ is used. So ‘입다’ becomes ‘입어 보다’. 

You can change ‘하다’ to ‘해 보다’. So ‘공부하다’ becomes ‘공부해 보다’. 

‘가 봤어요’ is a combination of the verb ‘가다 (to go) and ‘아 보다’ and ‘았어요. It’s talking about 경험 (experience).

‘가 볼까요?’ is a combination of the verb ‘가다 (to go) and ‘아 보다’ and ‘ㄹ까요. ‘This expresses is ‘시도 (try)’.


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