아/어 지다 grammar - a/eo jida grammar

Learn Korean | Korean Grammar 113: A-아지다/어지다/해지다

In this lesson, we're going to learn 'A-아지다/어지다/해지다'.

‘옷이 작아졌어요.

If you want to watch the lesson in Korean with English subtitles, please click the link below.

🎬 Korean Grammar 114//youtu.be/FxTWApXxgII

1. A short conversation & Pronunciation


- 나나: 요즘 한국 날씨는 어때요?
            (How is the weather in Korea these days?)
- 미소: 봄이 와서 날씨가 많이 따뜻해졌어요.
            (Spring has come and the weather has gotten a lot warmer.)

2. Usage


► '아지다/어지다/해지다' is used after an adjective stem.
► 아/어/여 (connective endings) + 지다 (verb):
   - It is an expression that combines the verb '지다' after the connecting ending '아/어/여.'
► This expression becomes a 'verb'.
► It is used to talk about a state of change.
► Other endings can attach after '-아/어/해지다.
+ 어요: In general, if an action changes a state, you can add '어요' and say '-아/어/해져요'
+ 었어요: When expressing the current state that has changed as a result of certain actions in the past, you can add '-었어요' and say '-아/어/해졌어요.'
+ ㄹ 거예요: When guessing what's going on in the future, add '-ㄹ거예요' and say  '-아/어/해질 거예요.’

3. Example Sentences

✎ 뜨거운 물로 빨래를 해서 옷이 작아졌어요. (작다 + 아지다)
        (I washed my clothes with hot water, so my clothes became smaller.)


✎ 길이 넓어졌어요. (넓다 + 어지다)
        (The road has become wider.)


✎ 봄이 와서 날씨가 많이 따뜻해졌어요. (따뜻하다 + 해지다)
        (Spring has come so the weather has gotten a lot warmer.)


3. Combination Information
- '아지다/어지다/해지다' attach after an adjective stem.
1) Vowel ㅏ, ㅗ: -아지다
    - When the vowel before '다' is 'ㅏ' or 'ㅗ', '-아지다' is used.


- 작다 (small) + -아지다 → 작아지다
- 좋다 (good) +-아지다 → 좋아지다

2) Other vowels: -어지다
    - When a vowel in an adjective stem is other vowels, then '-어지다' is used.


- 넓다 (wide) + -어지다 → 넓어지다
- 길다 (long)  + -어지다 → 길어지다

3) 하다 → 해지다 (=하다 + 여지다)
    - You can change '하다' to '해지다'. Here, '해지다' is a combination of the verb '하다' and '-여지다.'


- 건강하다 (heathly) + 해지다 → 건강해지다
- 익숙하다 (get used to) + 해지다 → 익숙해지다

- Summary


4. Practice: 아/어/해지다 + 어요


✎ 저는 음악을 들으면 기분이 좋아져요. (좋다 + 어지다)
        (Listening to music makes me feel good.)
✎ 운동을 꾸준히 하면 건강해져요. (건강하다 + 해지다)
        (If you exercise consistently, you will be healthy.)

✎ 피노키오는 거짓말을 하면 코가 길어져요. (길다 + 어지다)
        (When Pinocchio lies, his nose gets longer.)

(A short conversation & Pronunciation)


- 지안: 나나 씨, 한국 생활은 좀 어때요? 많이 익숙해졌어요?
            (Nana, how is your life in Korea?)
- 나나: 아직은 어색한데, 그래도 많이 익숙해졌어요
            (It's not still familiar but I've gotten used to it a lot.)
           한국 음식도 잘 먹고요. 학교 생활도 잘 적응하고 있어요.
            (Now I eat Korean food well. I'm adjusting to my school life.)

익숙해졌어요 (익숙하다 + 해지다 + 었어요)

Thank you~!

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