은는 Grammar - eunneun Grammar

안녕하세요? 저

Hello. I’m Dane.

키가 커요. 동생

키 가 작아요.
My older brother is tall. My younger brother is short.

부디 씨

운동을 잘해요. 그렇지만 공부

Bu-di is good at sports. Studying, however, is not his forte.

Grammar Focus:
1. 은/는 designates the topic, or the target of exposition, of a particular sentence or group of sentences. Thus it means the same as ‘as for’ or ‘regarding’. For words ending in a vowel, 는 is added, and for words ending in a consonant, 은 is added.

• 저

한국 사람입니다. I’m Korean.
• 리처드 씨

29실입니다. Richard is 29 years old.
• 제 직업

변호사입니다. I’m a lawyer.

2. 은/는 is also used when referring to something mentioned earlier in a conversation or when talking about something already known by both sides in the conversation. In other words, 은/는 is used when expressing ‘old’ information.
• 저

내일 요코 씨를 만나요. 요코 씨

일본에서 왔어요.
I'll meet Yoko tomorrow. Yoko came from Japan.
• 저

작년에 뉴욕에 갔었어요. 뉴욕

정말 아름다웠어요.
I went to New York last year. New York was really beautiful.
• 옛날에 한 남자가 살았어요. 그 남자

아이들이 두 명 있었어요.
Once upon a time, there lived a man. He had two sons.

3. 은/는 is used when comparing or contrasting two things, and, in such cases, it can be attached not only to subjects but also the objects or other parts of the sentence.
• 에릭

미국 사람이에요. 그렇지만 준호

한국 사람이에요.
Eric is American. Jun-ho, however, is Korean.(subject comparison)
• 저는 축구

좋아해요. 그렇지만 야구

좋아하지 않까요.
I like soccer. However, I don't care for baseball. (object contrast)
• 서울


눈이 왔어요. 그렇지만 부산


눈이 오지 않았어요.
Snow fell in Seoul. In Pusan, however, snow did not fall. (location contrast)
A: 사과 있어요? Do you have apples?
B: 아니요, 배

있어요, No, (but) we have pears, (alludes to the fact that while there are no apples, there are, however, pears)

A: 부모님 직업이 뭐예요? What do your parents do?
B: 아버지


회사원이에요. 그리고 어머니

My father is a company employee. And my mother is a teacher.

A: 도쿄가 어때요? How's Tokyo?
B: 도쿄

많이 복잡해요. Tokyo is really crowded.

A: 안녕하세요? 저

댄입니다. Hello. I'm Dane.
B: 안녕하세요? 저

캐럴이에요. 미국 사람이에요.
Hello. I’m Carol. I’m American.

Click below:
N와/과, N(이)랑, N하고
N에 ①
N에 ②
N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지
N(이)나 ②
N처럼, N같이

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L1.60 A/V-// N grammar = N that A/V ~noun modifier


- // is added to verbs and adjectives to allow them to function as noun modifiers = N that A/V (e.g: 귀여운아이= cute baby, 자는고양이 = a sleeping cat)

- When 2 or more adjectives are used in succession, only final adjective is conjugated to a noun modifier. (e.g. 예쁘고귀여운 아이 = a pretty and cute baby)


- Ending in vowel + N:

예쁜아이 (a pretty baby)
날씬한여자 (a thin woman)
착한 사람 (a nice person)

- Ending in consonant + N:

높은 (a high mountain)
낮은가격 (low price)
*미끄러운바닥 (a slippery floor)
*추운날씨 (cold weather)

- 있다/없다 + N:  
재미있는영화 (an interesting movie)
끊임없는 소리 (ceaseless noise)


- Present tense + N:

가는학교 (school that I am going...)
읽는책 (book that I am reading...)

- Past tense + / N:

학교 (school that I went to...)
사람 (person that I saw...)
읽은책 (book that I have read...) 
먹은음식 (food that I ate...)

- Future tense + / N:

대학교 (university that I will go...) 
건물 (building that you will see...)
먹을음식 (food that I will eat...)


1. 예쁜가방을사고싶어요.

I want to buy a pretty handbag.

2. 교실에서자는학생이누구예요?

Who is the student sleeping in the class?

3. 오늘저녁에먹을음식이뭐예요?

What's the Korean dish we will have for dinner today?

4. 저기커피를마시는사람이누구예요?

Who is the person (who is) drinking coffee over there?

5. 주말에일이 너무많아서등산을없어요.

Since I have many things to do in weekend, I can't go hiking.

6. 나는그녀처럼예쁘고친절한여자를 원하고싶어요.

I want to have a pretty and kind girlfriend like her.

7. 그는 미끄러운 바닥에 미끄러졌다.
He slipped on a slippery floor.

8. 잠자는 고양이는 쥐를 잡지 못한다.
 sleeping cat cannot catch a rat.

9. 착한 사람은 다른 사람을 선하게 한다.
The good man makes others good.

10. 한국 와서 처음 먹은 음식 기억나요?
Do you remember the first food that you ate in Korea?

11. 상층의 끊임없는 소리는 우리를 미치게 만들었다.
The ceaseless noise of the upper floor is driving us mad.


최신 우편물
