우쿨렐레 Low G 튜닝 - ukullelle Low G tyuning


우쿨렐레 튜닝

우쿨렐레의 기초중의 기초인데요, Ukulele의 U도 모르는 초보분들은

아무리 자세히 설명한 글을 읽어도 잘 이해가 안가시죠

동영상과 그림 자료로 쉽게 배워볼까요?

먼저 영상으로 튜닝하는 방법 배워봅시다.

쉬운 설명에 깨알같은 재미까지 있는 우쿨렐레 튜닝 동영상 강좌 잘 보셨나요?

 지금은 이해가 돼도 시간이 지나면 가물가물.. 하신 분들

아래 자료 저장해두고 헷갈릴때마다 보면 기억나실거에요. 

4번줄부터G - C - E - A 순서에요.

그리고 여기서 TIP

우쿨렐레의 하이G (High G)로우G (Low G)의 차이에요.

 건반 위에 하이G와 로우G를 표시해 둔 그림 보며 알아볼까요?

보통 우리가 기본적으로 알고있는 우쿨렐레의 사운드는 4번줄이 높은 솔인 하이 G 이고

4번줄은 낮은 솔로 바꾼 로우 G 은 묘한 저음의 베이스가 생겨 색다른 음색을 내줍니다.

우쿨렐레에 더 깊은 저음을 원하시는 분들은 한번 로우G세팅도 사용해보세요 :)

For some of my video lessons on Ukulele Tricks, my tenor ukulele is tuned to low G tuning, sometimes referred to as linear tuning. This means, while you and I can play along together using the same chord positions, the overall sound comes across as slightly different.

In standard ukulele tuning, the top g-string of the ukulele is tuned higher than the middle two strings of the ukulele. More specifically, the top g-string is tuned to the “G” note above middle-C on a piano (learn more about standard ukulele tuning).

In low G tuning, all of the strings stay tuned the same except the top g-string is tuned down an octave to the “G” note below middle-C, as shown in the following figures:

Low G tuning represented on the piano

Low G tuning represented on the music staff

By tuning the top g-string down an octave, you add five additional notes to the bottom of the ukulele’s range of pitch. This produces a fuller, deeper sound to the ukulele.

Often times, people prefer the low G tuning on a tenor sized ukulele versus a soprano or concert sized (read more about ukulele sizes). You can see why a lot of ukulele players have more than one ukulele! This allows them to tune each ukulele to a different tuning.

Please note that if you want to tune your ukulele to low G tuning, you need a special low G string set for your ukulele. If you try to tune the g-string of a regular ukulele string set down an octave, you will find that the string doesn’t hold tension very well and doesn’t stay in tune. To remedy this, you need a thicker, wound low G-string.

Whenever I tune my ukulele to low G, I like to use Aquila’s low G string set. You can buy a pack online depending if you have a soprano, concert, or tenor sized ukulele (links take you to product pages on Amazon for Aquila low G strings).

To tune up your low G string set, use a chromatic tuner (I recommend it), or use the “low G” setting on my free ukulele tuner tool.

If you run into any problems tuning your ukulele to low G, just post your comment below! I’d love to help.

Not sure where to go next? Grab the free ukulele lesson book.

Join over 50,000 people and get our free ukulele lesson book Your First Ukulele Lesson and Then Some. Learn new tricks like:

  • How to properly tune, hold, and strum your ukulele
  • The most essential "must-know" ukulele chords
  • How to play 3 extremely versatile strumming patterns
  • How to play "I've Been Working On the Railroad"

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