심즈4 무설치 오리진 - simjeu4 museolchi olijin

Ok I got it to work and i honestly can't tell why it worked

I downloaded the CODEX torrent of the sims 4 but I 'updated' it (to get some newer addons) using "anadius Repack", and now when I open it, it opens origin, and it of course realises I don't have the game so the game doesn't open.

It worked before I 'updated' it, and I also had a firewall exception

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sims 4 torrent expansion packs on origin base game

I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, I dont know where to post this

Okay so I bought the base game on origin, and downloaded it on origin but now wanna use the torrented expansion packs and DLCs. However I have read to play with them you need to run sthe sims 4 with origin closed, however whenever I run the sims 4 origin automatically opens? Is there a way to stop it from opening and for the sims 4 to run.


Re: sims 4 torrent expansion packs on origin base game

 by Guest Tue 19 Apr 2016, 16:45

Origin opens:
1. There is an active copy of Origin somewhere on your PC (see taskbar near the clock and the ^sign)
2. The "crack" is not placed correctly and/or de-activated by your ant-virus
3. You moved TS4W.exe to your desktop instead of a shortcut


Re: sims 4 torrent expansion packs on origin base game

 by Guest Wed 20 Apr 2016, 13:25

Also having this issue, yesterday i was able to run the game with origin not even installed on my pc, but since trying to install the Get Together xpac downloaded off this site, that broke my game. so after reinstalling origin to download the base game again, im to having this issue with it prompting origin to open when trying to start the game with just the base game and Get To Work installed.

I have just managed to get my game running, aftering installing my base game from origin, i then copy and pasted all the folders from the get to work and get together xpacs, and then applied the ultimate fix, at first i thought my game was freezing after starting up, but after leaving it open for a couple mins, it kicked back into life saying it was installing DLC. If anyone else had the same problem, maybe try following what i did, along with all the steps from the installation guide you get with the ultimate fix.


Re: sims 4 torrent expansion packs on origin base game

 by The_gh0stm4n Wed 20 Apr 2016, 18:49

llyrios wrote:I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, I dont know where to post this

Okay so I bought the base game on origin, and downloaded it on origin but now wanna use the torrented expansion packs and DLCs. However I have read to play with them you need to run sthe sims 4 with origin closed, however whenever I run the sims 4 origin automatically opens? Is there a way to stop it from opening and for the sims 4 to run.

Hello and welcome to the forum @Ilyrios,

You can find an introductory topic on dealing with anti-virus problems here:

Besides, make sure that you are opening the game from either the TS4.exe or the TS4_x64.exe, located under C:\Program files (x86)\The Sims 4\Game\Bin.

Lelanii wrote:Also having this issue, yesterday i was able to run the game with origin not even installed on my pc, but since trying to install the Get Together xpac downloaded off this site, that broke my game. so after reinstalling origin to download the base game again, im to having this issue with it prompting origin to open when trying to start the game with just the base game and Get To Work installed.

I have just managed to get my game running, aftering installing my base game from origin, i then copy and pasted all the folders from the get to work and get together xpacs, and then applied the ultimate fix, at first i thought my game was freezing after starting up, but after leaving it open for a couple mins, it kicked back into life saying it was installing DLC. If anyone else had the same problem, maybe try following what i did, along with all the steps from the installation guide you get with the ultimate fix.


The Ultimate fix is not needed in your case since you already installed "Get together". Try applying the little hotfix instead:


... ?

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