빠른독해 바른독해 2022 pdf - ppaleundoghae baleundoghae 2022 pdf

빠른독해 바른독해(빠바) 유형독해(2022년) 분석노트

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03. 다음글에서전체 흐름과관계없는문장은?

The central nervous system / controls the movements and activities of the human body. 

중추신경계는 / 인체의움직임과 활동을제어한다.

Although it istraditionally seen as having two components, the brain and the spinal cord, / the spinal cord isreally justa bridgethatconnects the brain to the body. 

그것은전통적으로뇌와척수라는가지의구성요소를갖고있는것으로여겨지긴하지만, / 척수는 사실뇌를신체에연결하는다리일뿐이다.

However, / the spinal cord does control some bodily movements on its own. 

하지만 / 척수는정말 일부신체움직임들을스스로제어한다.

그러나, 그럼에도불구하고 still, nonetheless, nevertheless, yet, however, even so

These movements are automatic reflexes thatdon’t require conscious thought. 


중추신경계는인체의움직임과 활동을제어한다. 그것은전통적으로뇌와척수라는가지의구성요소를갖고있는것으로여겨지긴하지만, 척수는사실 뇌를신체에연결하는다리일뿐이다. 하지만척수는정말일부신체움직임들을스스로 제어한다.움직임들은의식적인생각이필요하지않은자동반사운동이다.

아래 문장에서틀린곳을찾아고치고빈칸은채우시오.

The central nervous system controlled the movements and activities ___  the human body. Although it is traditionally seen for having two co________, the brain and the spinal cord, the spinal cord is really just a br_____  those connects the brain to the body. Ho______ ,  the spinal cord do control some bodily movements on its own. These movements are automatic reflexes what don’t require unconscious thought.    

If you touch a hot surface, for example, / your spinal cord will cause you to reactbefore your brain even notices the pain.

예를들어, 만약당신이뜨거운표면을만지면, / 당신의 척수는뇌가고통을알아채기도전에당신이반응하게것이다.

This happens because nerves in your skin send a message to the spinal cord, / which respondsby telling the muscles in your arm to pull your hand away.

이것은당신의피부신경이척수로메시지를보내기때문에일어나는데, / 그것(= 척수)근육에손을떼라고지시함으로써응답한다.

서술형. 윗글의네모안의 This가리키는것을찾아우리말로쓰시오.

  뜨거운표면을만지면뇌가고통을 알아채기도던에척수가당신을반응하게하는

예를들어, 만약당신이뜨거운표면을만지면, 당신의척수는 뇌가고통을알아채기도전에당신이반응하게것이다. 이것은당신의피부신경이척수로메시지를보내기때문에 일어나는데, 그것(= 척수)근육에손을떼라고지시함으로써응답한다. 

아래문장에서틀린 곳을찾아고치고빈칸은채우시오.

If you touched a hot surface, for example, your spinal cord will be caused you to r_____  before your brain even notice the pain. This happens although nerves in your skin send a message to the spinal cord, whether responding ____ telling the muscles in your arm not pull your hand away.    


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