Abnormal 의학용어 - abnormal uihag-yong-eo

"abnormal"�� ���� �˻� ����Դϴ�. �˻� ��� ���� ���߿� Tab Ű�� �����ø� �˻� â�� ���õ˴ϴ�.

�˱⽬�� ���п��Ǯ����, �����Ǵ� ���� ������, �������� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 1 ������: 1

abnormality, anomaly �̻�, ������
  ������ ��� ���� Ȥ�� ���. anomaly, aberration � �̻� ���¸� ��Ÿ���� �������� abnormality�� ���� ���� �ǹ��� �̻��̴�. anomaly�� ���� ��õ�� �̻��� �ǹ��ϸ�, aberration�� �� ������ ������ �ʴ� �̻��� �ǹ��ϴ� ��찡 ����.

�������� ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 7 ������: 1

  • abnormal involuntary movement scale


  • abnormal retinal correspondence


  • abnormal uterine bleeding


�������� �ʼ� ���п���� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 3 ������: 1

  • abnormal uterine bleeding


�� �������� ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 10 ������: 1

  • abnormal hemoglobin


  • abnormal involuntary movement scale


  • abnormal retinal correspondence


  • abnormal uterine bleeding


�� �������� 2 ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 15 ������: 1

  • abnormal behavior


  • abnormal bite =occlusion


  • abnormal child


  • abnormal echo

    ������ (ު����) ����, ������ (ު����) �޾Ƹ�

  • abnormal fusion


  • abnormal hemoglobin

    �̻�������(~̴����), �̻����۷κ�.

  • abnormal localization of immature precursor cells=ALIP

    �̼������������� ������ ����

  • abnormal movements


  • abnormal patency of the eustachian tube


  • abnormal position


  • abnormal reflex


  • abnormal retinal correspondance


  • abnormal temperature

    �̻�µ�, �̻�ü��(~ü��).

�� �������� 3 ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 15 ������: 1

  • abnormal behavior


  • abnormal bite =occlusion


  • abnormal child


  • abnormal echo

    ������ (ު����) ����, ������ (ު����) �޾Ƹ�

  • abnormal fusion


  • abnormal hemoglobin

    �̻�������(~̴����), �̻����۷κ�.

  • abnormal localization of immature precursor cells=ALIP

    �̼������������� ������ ����

  • abnormal movements


  • abnormal patency of the eustachian tube


  • abnormal position


  • abnormal reflex


  • abnormal retinal correspondance


  • abnormal temperature

    �̻�µ�, �̻�ü��(~ü��).

�����غ���ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 7 ������: 1

  • Abnormal growth

    [�� ���] ��������

  • Abnormal position

    [�� ���] ��������ġ

  • Abnormal shape

    [�� ���] �̻���

  • Abnormality

    [�� ���] ������

  • Abnormality by infection

    [�� ���] ����������

  • Abnormality of organ

    [�� ���] ����̻�

  • Abnormality of tissue

    [�� ���] �����̻�

���ѽŰ�ܰ���ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 1 ������: 1

  • abnormality

    �̻�, ������

    ���, ު����

���ѻ�ȭ�к��ڻ�����ȸ ��� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 1 ������: 1

  • abnormal hemoglobin

    �̻������� (���������)

KI ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 3 ������: 1

�ѱ�ǥ���������κз� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 5 ������: 1

  • O28.1

    Abnormal biochemical finding on antenatal screening of mother

    ����� ���� �����˻��� ��ȭ���� �̻� �Ұ�

  • R03

    Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis

    ���ܸ� ���� ���м�ġ �̻�

  • R19.1

    Abnormal bowel sounds

    �̻� ����

  • O28.5

    Abnormal chromosomal and genetic finding on antenatal screening of mother

    ����� ���� �����˻��� ����ü �� ������ �̻� �Ұ�

  • O28.2

    Abnormal cytological finding on antenatal screening of mother

    ����� ���� �����˻��� �������� �̻� �Ұ�

��ϴ� ġ������ �������� ���� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 15 ������: 1

  • abnormal behavior

    �̻� �ൿ

    ������ ��� �ൿ. �ൿ���� ��Ÿ���� ���������� �����Ǵ� �̻�. �̻� �ൿ�� ���� ��ָ� �ݿ��ϴ� ������ ������ �Ǵ� ������ ���� ���п����� �����л�, �ൿ ������ �߿��� ������ ����Ѵ�. �ൿ�� �ַ� ��� �����̳� ��� ����, ����, ���� �� �嵿 ���� �ݿ��ȴ�. ���� ���信 �����ϴ� ���� ����, ���� �����ϴ� �ൿ �̻�, �ﺴ���� �ൿ ����, ������ ���, ���� �ɹ�, �� �ൿ �̻�, �� �ൿ �̻�, �Ƶ��� ����ģ ������ ��, �پ��� �̻� �ൿ�� �ִ�.

  • abnormal child


    ���³� ��������� ������ ��� ����.

  • abnormal cusp

    �̻� ����, ������ ����, �̻� ġ�� ����

    ���Ǿ�=abnormal tubercle. �̻��� ������ ġ�� ����. ġ�ƿ� �ִ� ������ ���� ���°� ���������� ����.

  • abnormal eruption

    ������ ����

    ��ġ�� ����ġ�� �־ ����ġ�� �����ų� �ʰ� �����ϴ� ����.

  • abnormal fetal presentation

    �̻� ����

    �¾��� ��ġ�� ���������� ��.

  • abnormal frenum

    �̻� ���, ��� �̻�

    ������ �ƴ� ���, �Ҵ�. �Ҵ밡 ���󺸴� ª�ų� �� �� ������, ���� �Ҵ��� ��쿡�� 1�� �̻��� ���� �ִ�.

  • abnormal fusion

    ������ ����

    �߻� �� ������ ���������� �������� ���ϴ� ����. ��κ� ���ߺο� ����� ��Ÿ����.

  • abnormal growth

    ������ ����

    ������ �������� ������ ��� ����. ���󺸴� ���� �ڶ� ���� �ְ� �ʰ� �ڶ� ���� �ִ�.

  • abnormal jaw closure

    �̻� �ǰ� ����, �ǰ� ���� �̻�

    �ұ�ġ�� �뱸ġ�� ���ո��̳� �ݴ��� ���ո��� ������ ������ ����� ���.

  • abnormal laterality syndrome

    �¿� ���Ī �̻� ���ı�

    ���忡�� �������� �¿� ��Ī�� �ڹٲ�ų� �ҿ����� ���μ�, �����̳� ���������� ��Ī�� ��찡 �ְ� �̵鿡�� ���� ���� ���� ������ ���ݵǴµ� �̷��� ��츦 ������ �¿� ���Ī �̻� ���ı��̶� �Ѵ�. �̵� ��ȯ������ ���� �� �ƴ϶� �� ������� ���󵿸��� ��ġ ���� �� ���� �п�, ���� ������ ���� �� ��ġ�� �޶����� Ư�� ������ ���� ������

  • abnormal liquid

    ������ ��ü

  • abnormal movement

    �������� �, �̻� �

    ���Ͼ� ġ�� �� ������ ������ ��� ��߳� ���·� �Ͼ��� �����̴� ��.

  • abnormal occlusal wear

    ������ ����, ���������� ����

    ���Ͼ� ġ���� ������ ���� �Ͼ�� �������� ���𺸴� �� ���� ��ų� ���� ��� ���μ� ��κ� ���󺸴� �� ���� ��� ��츦 �ǹ��Ѵ�.

  • abnormal position

    ��ġ �̻�

    �������� ��ġ���� ��� ����. ������ �־�� �� ��ġ���� ��� ����.

  • abnormal protein

    ������ �ܹ���

CancerWEB ���� ���л��� ���� �˻� ��� : 10 ������: 1

abnormalabnormal cleavage of cardiac valveabnormal correspondenceabnormal heart chamber dimensionsabnormal occlusionabnormal placental sizeabnormalitiesabnormalities, drug-inducedabnormalities, radiation-inducedabnormality
Not normal, contrary to the usual structure, position, behaviour or rule.
(06 Oct 1997)
Congenital malformation of a valve leaflet with a defect extending from the free margin.
(05 Mar 2000)
Abnormal correspondence, a condition, frequent in strabismus, in which corresponding retinal points do not have the same visual direction; the fovea of one eye corresponds to an extrafoveal area of the fellow eye.
Synonym: abnormal correspondence.
(05 Mar 2000)
<radiology> Left ventricular volume overload, left ventricular hypertrophy, right ventricular volume overload, right ventricular hypertrophy, fixed subvalvular aortic stenosis, hypoplastic left/right ventricle; common ventricle, congestive cardiomyopathy
(12 Dec 1998)
An arrangement of the teeth which is not considered to be within the normal range of variation.
(05 Mar 2000)
<radiology> TOO BIG (greater than5cm in sections obtained at right angles to the long axis), maternal disease, diabetic mothers (= villous oedema), intrauterine infections, anaemic mothers (= normal histology), foetal disease, erythroblatosis foetalis (= villous oedema and hyperplasia), umbilical vein obstruction, foetal high output failure, large chorioangioma, sacrococcygeal teratoma, arteriovenous fistula too small, preeclampsia (associated with placental infarcts in 33-60%)
(12 Dec 1998)
Congenital malformations of organs or parts.
(12 Dec 1998)
Congenital abnormalities caused by medicinal substances or drugs of abuse given to or taken by the mother, or to which she is inadvertently exposed during the manufacture of such substances. The concept excludes abnormalities resulting from exposure to non-medicinal chemicals in the environment.
(12 Dec 1998)
Congenital changes in the morphology of organs produced by exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation.
(12 Dec 1998)
1. The state or quality of being abnormal.
2. An anomaly, deformity, malformation, impairment, or dysfunction.
(05 Mar 2000)

MeSH(Medical Subject Headings) ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ��� : 4 ������: 1

  • Abnormalities - ��â Congenital malformations of organs or parts.
    Synonyms : Abnormalities, Congenital, Congenital Abnormalities, Defects, Congenital, Abnormality, Abnormality, Congenital, Birth Defect, Congenital Abnormality, Congenital Defect, Defect, Birth, Defect, Congenital, Defects, Birth, Deformity
  • Abnormalities, Drug-Induced - ��â Congenital abnormalities caused by medicinal substances or drugs of abuse given to or taken by the mother, or to which she is inadvertently exposed during the manufacture of such substances. The concept excludes abnormalities resulting from exposure to non-medicinal chemicals in the environment.
    Synonyms : Drug-Induced Abnormalities, Abnormalities, Drug Induced, Abnormality, Drug-Induced, Drug Induced Abnormalities, Drug-Induced Abnormality
  • Abnormalities, Multiple - ��â
    Synonyms : Multiple Abnormalities
  • Abnormalities, Radiation-Induced - ��â Congenital changes in the morphology of organs produced by exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation.
    Synonyms : Radiation-Induced Abnormalities, Abnormalities, Radiation Induced, Abnormality, Radiation-Induced, Radiation Induced Abnormalities, Radiation-Induced Abnormality

�ܺ� ��ũ - Merriam-Webster's ���л��� ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus) ���: 5 ������: 1

  • abnormal - ��â
  • abnormal psychology - ��â
  • abnormalities - ��â
  • abnormality - ��â
  • abnormally - ��â

�ܺ� ��ũ - MedicineNet.com ���л��� ���� �˻� (//www.medicinenet.com) ���: 1 ������: 1

  • Abnormal - ��â

�ܺ� ��ũ - A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ���: 4 ������: 1

  • Abnormal heart rhythms - ��â
  • Abnormal posturing - ��â
  • Abnormal tooth shape - ��â
  • Abnormality of the urea cycle - hereditary - ��â

�ܺ� ��ũ - MedlinePlus Health Topics ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ���: 1 ������: 1

  • Abnormalities - ��â

�ܺ� ��ũ - Drug.com Drugs by Medical Condition ���� �˻� (//www.drugs.com) ���: 1 ������: 1

  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding - ��â

KMLE �� ��� ���� �˻� ��� : 5 ������: 1

abnormal psychologyabnormalabnormalityabnormalabnormality
the branch of psychology concerned with abnormal behavior

��ó: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

not normal; not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm; "abnormal powers of concentration"; "abnormal amounts of rain"; "abnormal circumstances"; "an abnormal interest in food" departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development; "they were heartbroken when they learned their child was abnormal"; "an abnormal personality"

��ó: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

an abnormal condition retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality

��ó: wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

Different from normal in whatever sense the latter term is used. When normal signifies typical, abnormal means unusual, lying outside the range of common occurrence. When normal signifies a mean or median value, abnormal implies a deviation, however slight, from the mean or median. Compare anomalous.

��ó: amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse

In meteorology, a deviation of the weather or climate from the conditions normally expected at a particular time and place; a deviation from the normal. Compare anomaly.

��ó: amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse

�ѿ�/���� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 5 ������: 1

  • abnormal

    ��������;�̻���;������;��Ģ��(~psychology �̻� �ɸ���)

  • abnormality


WordNet �Ϲ� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 10 ������: 1

abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal abnormal
much greater than the normal
not normal
(psychology) departing from the normal in e.g. intelligence and development
an abnormal condition
an abnormal condition
behavior that breaches the rule or etiquette or custom or morality
marked strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal
retardation sufficient to fall outside the normal range of intelligence
an abnormal condition
in an abnormal manner

�ܺ� ��ũ - American Heritage Dictionary �������� ���� �˻� (//www.yahoo.com) ���: 5 ������: 1

  • abnormal - ��â
  • abnormal psychology - ��â
  • abnormalities - ��â
  • abnormalities' - ��â
  • abnormality - ��â

�� �Ʒ� ���ʹ� ����� �����ϴ�.

KMLE ��ǰ/�Ǿ�ǰ ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

  • ��ǰ��



KMLE ��ǰ/�Ǿ�ǰ ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

  • ��ǰ��



�˱⽬�� ���п��Ǯ����, �����Ǵ� ���� ������, �������� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�������� ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�������� �ʼ� ���п���� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�� �������� ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�� �������� 2 ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�� �������� 3 ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

�����غ���ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

���ѽŰ�ܰ���ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

���ѱ������ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

���ѱ������ȸ ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

���ѻ�ȭ�к��ڻ�����ȸ ��� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

KI ���п�� ���� �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

KMLE ���о�� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

KMLE ���о�� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

KMLE �ڵ����� ���о�� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

KMLE �ڵ����� ���о�� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

���г��� ����(Pubmed/Entrez) �˻� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

    �ѱ�ǥ���������κз� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

    ��ϴ� ġ������ �������� ���� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

    CancerWEB ���� ���л��� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

    MeSH(Medical Subject Headings) ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ��� : 0 ������: 1

      �ܺ� ��ũ - Merriam-Webster's ���л��� ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus) ���: 0 ������: 1

        �ܺ� ��ũ - MedicineNet.com ���л��� ���� �˻� (//www.medicinenet.com) ���: 0 ������: 1

          �ܺ� ��ũ - A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ���: 0 ������: 1

            �ܺ� ��ũ - MedlinePlus Health Topics ���� �˻� (//www.nlm.nih.gov) ���: 0 ������: 1

              �ܺ� ��ũ - �巯������ ���� ���� ���� �˻� (//www.druginfo.co.kr) ���: 0 ������: 1





              �ܺ� ��ũ - �巯������ ���� ���� ���� �˻� (//www.druginfo.co.kr) ���: 0 ������: 1





              �ܺ� ��ũ - WebMD.com Drug Reference ���� �˻� (//www.webmd.com) ���: 0 ������: 1

                �ܺ� ��ũ - WebMD.com Drug Reference ���� �˻� (//www.webmd.com) ���: 0 ������: 1

                  �ܺ� ��ũ - Drug.com Drugs by Medical Condition ���� �˻� (//www.drugs.com) ���: 0 ������: 1

                    KMLE �� ��� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

                    �ѿ�/���� ���� ���� �˻� ��� : 0 ������: 1

                    �ܺ� ��ũ - American Heritage Dictionary �������� ���� �˻� (//www.yahoo.com) ���: 0 ������: 1


                      최신 우편물
